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Maintenance and cleaning guide for concrete coatings

May 3, 2023
Post-installation During the early stages of a project, floors may experience conditions that differ from the anticipated regular usage. Such conditions may include: Cleaning after full cure For daily cleaning, use a coating cleaner or another pH-neutral cleaning solution. Prior to using any flooring product, review the Safety Data Sheet(s). Here are some cleaning tips:


During the early stages of a project, floors may experience conditions that differ from the anticipated regular usage. Such conditions may include:

  • Exposure to hot or cold temperatures
  • Heavy foot traffic or movement of heavy machinery and equipment
  • Spills of paint, sealant, adhesive, and other substances
  • Thus, the following precautions should be taken into careful consideration:
  • If other trades will be working in the area, protect installations with temporary covers such as high-density fiberboard or polyethylene sheeting after the recoat time has elapsed.
  • When the system is walkable after returning to service, avoid standing water, caustic chemicals, cleaning, or heavy traffic for 7 days at 70°F, as it may cause permanent damage to the finish.

Cleaning after full cure

For daily cleaning, use a coating cleaner or another pH-neutral cleaning solution. Prior to using any flooring product, review the Safety Data Sheet(s).

Here are some cleaning tips:

  • Use hot water (85-100°F) in conjunction with a coating cleaner or another similar pH-neutral cleaning solution for daily cleaning.
  • Use a high-pressure, hot-temperature wash only when the topcoat is Urethane Polymer Concrete.
  • Utilize a clean microfiber mop and dust pads, which are simple to replace during usage and highly effective at collecting dust. Avoid using string mops as they tend to distribute dirt, grease, and oil across the floor rather than eliminating it.
  • To remove blushing, hazy, or oily residue, vinegar may be employed as a cleaning solution.
  • Spills are a slip hazard and can damage the coating, so clean them up right away.
  • Do not use wax strippers or enzyme cleaners, as they may raise safety concerns and harm the coating.
Mainteance and Cleaning Guide
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